«Меня зовут Зао и да, я готовлю пищу. С ней все в порядке. Она в гармонии с собой, с другой едой и со вселенной. Подумайте... может, проблема в вас, а не в еде?»
From far beyond the galaxies I've journeyed to this place
To study the behavior patterns of the human race
And I find them highly illogical
Girl meets boy they fall in love
She says he's everything she's dreamed of
But when they get married before he's aware
She changes his habits the way he combs his hair
She changes him to someone he's never been
And then complains he's not like other men
Now really I find this most illogical
Take the case of your automobiles
Greatest invention since man discovered wheels
Hydromatic overdrive four-on-the-floor
Pushbutton windows pushbutton doors
Double barreled carborators rush you anyplace
But you never can find a parking space
highly illogical
Take the case of modern man
He works all his life gives it all he can
Saves all his money works overtime
Pinches every penny banks every dime
All he can think about is money but you know
That he can't take it with him where he's going to go
Now I find that fascinatingly illogical
Now is the time to journey home to tell of what I've learned
My people I believe have every right to be concerned
For in spite of computers and advanced psychology
Behavior patterns are still a mystery
I predict the future of this earthly human race
Is that having made a mess of Earth They'll move to outer space
Well there goes the neighborhood
Totally, completely, absolutely, irrevocably, highly illogical
From far beyond the galaxies I've journeyed to this place
To study the behavior patterns of the human race
And I find them highly illogical
Girl meets boy they fall in love
She says he's everything she's dreamed of
But when they get married before he's aware
She changes his habits the way he combs his hair
She changes him to someone he's never been
And then complains he's not like other men
Now really I find this most illogical
Take the case of your automobiles
Greatest invention since man discovered wheels
Hydromatic overdrive four-on-the-floor
Pushbutton windows pushbutton doors
Double barreled carborators rush you anyplace
But you never can find a parking space
highly illogical
Take the case of modern man
He works all his life gives it all he can
Saves all his money works overtime
Pinches every penny banks every dime
All he can think about is money but you know
That he can't take it with him where he's going to go
Now I find that fascinatingly illogical
Now is the time to journey home to tell of what I've learned
My people I believe have every right to be concerned
For in spite of computers and advanced psychology
Behavior patterns are still a mystery
I predict the future of this earthly human race
Is that having made a mess of Earth They'll move to outer space
Well there goes the neighborhood
Totally, completely, absolutely, irrevocably, highly illogical
Последняя строчка просто чудесна))
Аватарка в посте как-то ну оч. к месту xDD
мда, концепт подошел >_>
ну я ж не скачивал все пятнадцать гигов, мне тоже кагбе мало надо оО зато быстро стянул осты к полнометражкам и тосу.
и еще что-то... *глянул* а, совместный как бы Нимоя и Шатнера, но там просто все песни собраны в один, она там тоже есть xD
в конце, конечно, с очень классной интонацией это "illogical" произнесено
ппц, как на этом хорошо бабки зашибали xD
угу >)
какие там мелодии *______*
xDDD ну правильно! Ребята и по несколько книг написали
какой сезон? О_о у меня есть подозрение одно по поводу того, какая это серия, но... смотря что ты имеешь в виду под хиппи - реально хиппи или людей со взглядами хиппи >.>